Auditions for Julius Caesar: in motion 2023

“And why should Caesar be a tyrant then? / Poor man, I know he would not be a wolf, / But that he sees the Romans are but sheep”
(Julius Caesar – Act 1, scene 3) 🐺🏛️🐑
Want to be a part of Jerusalem’s Shakespeare in the Park? Join Theater in the Rough’s 12th year of free, outdoor Shakespeare! Audition for a role onstage as an actor or become a behind-the-scenes team member in this summer’s production of Julius Caesar.
This year, we’re shaking things up by adding a CHORUS inspired by ancient Greek drama.
Want to audition for the chorus? Prepare your favorite song. Want to audition for a character? Get your Shakespearean monologue ready. Want to audition for both? Amazing!
Auditions for Julius Caesar: in motion
DATE ONE: Sunday, April 16, 19:00-22:00, Jerusalem, Location TBA.
DATE TWO: Wednesday, April 19, 19:00-22:00, Jerusalem, Location TBA.
RSVP a must! Email [email protected] to schedule an audition slot & for monologue/song information
CALLBACKS: By invitation only, Friday, April 28, 10:00-13:00, in Jerusalem, Location TBA.
Production in August 2023. Directed by Beth Steinberg and Yam Drori.
Note: You must be an excellent English speaker with near-native skill. Experience with Shakespeare not necessary.
Not an actor?
Join our production team! There are many opportunities to get involved behind the scenes. This year, we’re looking for help at rehearsals and backstage during the performances.
Let us know if you’re interested at [email protected].