Expanded Character Descriptions

House of York
KING EDWARD IV – King of England………….Simon Montagu
Son of Duchess of York, brother of Richard and Clarence, survivor of the War of the Roses, womanizer, weak and ailing King, commits his brother Clarence to death, recants too late, and dies himself upon hearing the news.

RICHARD, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER – Edward IV’s brother; later King Richard III………….Josh Bloomberg
Son of Duchess of York, brother of Edward IV and Clarence, deformed, brutal.

GEORGE, DUKE OF CLARENCE – Edward IV’s brother………….Gilad Petranker
Brother of Richard and Edward IV, son of the Duchess of York. After a history of changing sides, Clarence finds himself penned up in the Tower, where brother Richard’s henchmen catch up with him before brother Edward’s pardon can.

DUCHESS OF YORK – Edward, Richard and George’s mother………….Andrea Katz
Mother to Edward IV, Clarence, and Richard.

EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES – Edward IV’s heir………….Ezra Abbey
Son of Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth, inherits the throne when his father dies, though doesn’t make it as far as coronation as the “Lord Protector” – his uncle Richard – disposes of him in the Tower.

RICHARD, DUKE OF YORK – Edward IV’s son………….Sara Covey
Son of Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth, meets his end in the Tower along with brother Edward, Prince of Wales.

YOUNG ELIZABETH – Edward & Elizabeth’s daughter………….Chanel Lallouz
Daughter of Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth, flees to sanctuary with her mother, the Queen, and survives Richard’s killing spree to married to Richmond, thus uniting the York and Lancaster families to begin the Tudor line.

House of Lancaster

QUEEN MARGARET – widow of King Henry VI………….Tamar Naggan
Widow of King Henry VI, Margaret herself has a checkered past. Somehow returns from banishment, roaming around as a spectre, to curse Richard, and anyone else she can.

Ghost of KING HENRY VI………….Simon Montagu
(Lancaster) Killed by Richard at the end of the Henry VI trilogy, his corpse is on stage at the beginning of the play, mourned by his daughter-in-law Anne.

LADY ANNE NEVILLE – widow of Prince Edward Lancaster; later Queen to Richard………….Sara Covey
Daughter-in-law of Henry VI, bereaved of her husband and father-in-law, seduced by Richard, who does not “keep her long.”

Woodville family

QUEEN ELIZABETH – Queen to Edward………….Avital Sykora
Her marriage to King Edward IV elevates her status and that of her kinsmen, a source of resentment for Richard, and the cause of Hastings’ imprisonment. She experiences the death of her husband die and murder of her two sons.

EARL OF RIVERS – Elizabeth’s brother………….Tzviya Fawn Brickel
Since every Jack became a gentleman…Gains status with Elizabeth, sent by Richard to his death at Pomfret.

MARQUIS OF DORSET – Elizabeth’s son (from previous marriage)………….Chanel Lallouz
Flees to Richmond’s side

LORD RICHARD GREY – Elizabeth’s son (from previous marriage)………….Itai Leigh
Since every Jack became a gentleman…Gains status with Elizabeth, sent by Richard to his death at Pomfret.

Allied to Richard III

Richard’s sidekick and facilitator, until he falters and Richard does away with him

SIR WILLIAM CATESBY………….Gilad Petranker
Richard’s loyal and trusty henchman

DUKE OF NORFOLK………….Avital Sykora

Richard’s loyal and trusty henchman

SIR JAMES TYRREL/1st Murderer………….Ira Skop

2nd Murderer………….Tamar Naggan

Allied to Earl of Richmond

HENRY TUDOR, EARL OF RICHMOND – later King Henry VII………….Natan Skop

LORD STANLEY, EARL OF DERBY – Richmond’s stepfather………….Simon Montagu
Father-in-law of Richmond, plays his cards strategically close to the vest and retains the appearance of fidelity to the Court and even to Richard, until it is feasible to side with Richmond.


Other Characters

BISHOP OF ELY………….Tzviya Fawn Brickel

LORD HASTINGS – Lord Chamberlain………….Ira Skop
Loyal to King Edward IV and his heirs, does not see the danger in Richard until it is too late.

SIR ROBERT BRACKENBURY – Lieutenant of the Tower………….Chanel Lallouz

Gullible, easily persuaded by Richard and Buckingham to accept Richard as king.

1st Citizen………….Gilad Petranker

2nd Citizen………….Ezra Abbey

Stanley’s Messenger………….Chanel Lallouz

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