Musical Mayhem: Rocky Horror in Jerusalem

Rocky Horror in Jerusalem

Rocky Horror Cover Photo (v2

Dear Rocky Horror Lover, 
“Frank-n-Furter it’s all over. Your mission is a failure, your lifestyle’s too extreme. I’m your new commander. You are now my prisoner. We return to Transylvania. Prepare the transit beam.”

It’s a Speakeasies TimeWarp-Musical Mayhem Sing and Play! It’s Rocky Horror night, and it’s going to be amaaazing. As long as you join us! There will be singalong opportunities, so warm up those vocal chords. We’ll have wine and beer to help.
Bring some pocket change. We’ll have wine and snacks available.

Where: jPole, HaRav Kook 7 (to your left on the street level off the plaza) Jerusalem
When: Saturday night, April 9th, 9:30PM
RSVP: NIS35 (includes your first glass of wine until we run dry)

Featuring Avital Sykora, Yigal-Iggi Abilia, Howard Metz and Natan Skop.
Accompanied by the fabulous Haim Tukachinsky.

You CAN reserve with us by email, BUT it’s first come, first served and we won’t hold reservations beyond 9:45PM Saturday night.

Questions? Email [email protected] or ask on the Facebook event.

* Please note: It’s Rocky Horror. Don’t bring your 5-year old kid brother.
**Also note: It’s not a screening of the movie. It’s a sing of the songs, with talented performers and sing along opportunities.

From your friends at Theater in the Rough, ILSpeakeasies: A Jerusalem Cabaret and Jerusalem Pole Dance and Fitness ריקוד על עמוד ירושלים.

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